Saturday, February 25, 2017

5 Things Everyone in the eSports Industry Should be Doing

     Recently, eSports has been reaching heights it has never seen before. With appearances on national television, Snapchat, and at events all over the globe eSports is successfully taking over as the new wave of entertainment. Along with this growth it is essential that everyone that takes part in the industry treat it correctly and with care. There are 5 key characteristics or traits that are essential that everyone in the community should have.

1. Consistency 

      Consistency is the number one most important thing that people must develop if they want to thrive in the scene. Consistency is the largest factor in gaining an audience and retaining peoples attention throughout a persons career. Without consistency people can't rely on a person or brand that they might follow or look up to. 

2. Networking

     Networking is another great tool to have in terms of trying to grow on the business side of eSports. It holds true that its not what you know, but who you know. Knowing and building relationships with people in the community help maintain a strong image on your part. When people see that other people are constantly trying to work with you or collaborate with you, it says a lot about who you are and how you operate your business. 

3. Connecting 

    Connecting is not to be confused with networking. Connecting in essence means having a following and interacting with them. When you engage your audience it helps spread a more positive outcome and allows you to receive feedback. A fanbase is the driving force of any successful brand or company. Without the viewers, followers, or subscribers there is know "you". Giving back to your loyal following is the key to creating a healthy and happy relationship with them.

4. Credibility 

     The ability to remain a credible and straight forward source of information is the stepping stone to people relying on you and trusting you to have the correct and accurate information. Sometimes the truth is hard to convey but it is always the most viable option when developing a brand. When people believe in your message they send their following to you because they believe in your movement and vision and trust that it will be pure. Credibility is essential to have, because once you get a negative image its hard to come back from. Be sure to always check your facts and do your research in order to ensure a positive credibility image. 

5.  Remaining Humble 

    Being humble is an overlooked feature in people that can be hard to find in this day and age. With success sometimes people let it get to their head and start to develop an ego. When you allow yourself to have an ego you're really only hurting yourself and making people not want to work with or be associated with you. Remaining humble is almost an intangible trait to have because it is a difficult skill to attain. To be humble is to respect everyones opinions, even if they oppose your own viewpoints. You must always see all sides of the spectrum and see it from multiple perspectives in order to allow yourself to acquire a broad overview of the situation. Once you are able to do that, every experience should be humbling from that point on. 

As always thanks for reading! If you liked this post be sure to follow us on Twitter- to never miss the latest news or stories! 

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