Monday, February 6, 2017

The Secret to Simp's Success?

Christopher "Simp" Lehr,

It has been nearly 10 years since the young up and coming star in the Call of Duty eSports community has started playing video games. At the age of just 5 years old, the now well known Call of Duty amateur, Simp started playing Super Mario Party on the Gamecube and hasn't looked back since. Heavily influenced by the professional Call of Duty player OpTic Scump, Simp sees many resemblances in the way they both started to compete at a young age. Chris stated that "He [Scump] started while he was young and I would like to follow." showing that it takes true motivation and passion to start and pursue the career at a young age. In his early gaming career, Simp grew up playing Gears of War, Halo and Call of Duty under the gamertag "Simplicity". Throughout his success people would shorten his name to "Simp" and thus the player and personality that we know today was born. The turning point in his overwhelming success from casual to competitive gaming took place in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Simp recalls realizing "I had the skill to do something more than just be a casual player." That realization was a critical moment for him as he started traveling to local LAN's such as NJROD in Pennsylvania, and ETG in Long Island, New York. In 2015, Chris attended his first event held by ETG. He went on to win 1 out of the 5 events he attended that year, which is not an easy feat considering it was the start of his competitive career as well as the record breaking number set by teams who attended. 2016 brought a whole new level of success for Simp, it was undoubtedly his time to shine. Throughout the year, he went on to win all 12 of the  events he attended. This was a groundbreaking year in his career as he also joined Naventic, a large eSports organization involved with a lot of different games and internet personalities. Despite having big time success, Simp was hindered from taking the next step and competing in the Call of Duty World League. The Call of Duty World League is essentially the NBA or NFL of eSports, it is where the true "best of the best" compete. There is only one thing stopping him from taking it to the next level and that is "The 18+ Rule". This rule states that anyone under the age of 18 can not and will not be permitted to play in major LAN events held by Major League Gaming or the Call of Duty World League until they are of age to do so. This rule is in place to keep the immaturity of the younger players out of the league and to maintain a good image in the media. Simp mentions "I don't think they will change the 18+ rule anytime soon. They did it to try and mature Call of Duty, and if we want to be a large eSport then we need maturity, plain and simple." On February 9th, 2019 Simp will finally be able to compete in the major events. Until then he can watch eSports blossom into potentially something as big as the NFL and continue to compete and make revenue at amateur events. Simp stated that if the 18+ rule didn't exist that he could see himself playing at the professional level and continuing to grind his way to the top. Although he hasn't competed at the highest level yet, he has already made around $15,000 from tournaments and events which he has invested most of the money back into his gaming setup. With the start of 2017 he has already won the first event for the newest addition of Call of Duty, Infinite Warfare. It has been a long journey thus far for Christopher "Simp" Lehr, and it's just getting started.

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